KATHMANDU, Indigenous groups opposing the construction of a cable car in Pathibhara, Taplejung, surrounded Singha Durbar on Wednesday in a show of resistance.
The protest, organized by the Mukkumlung Tangsep Chumbho and Mukkumlung Protection Inter-Party Struggle Committee, drew attention to their ongoing campaign against the project. Carrying placards and banners, the demonstrators voiced their opposition to the cable car project being led by businessman Chandra Dhakal.
Protesters said land should not be sold off in the name of development, expressing concerns over potential threats to their cultural heritage and the sacredness of the Pathibhara area. The demonstration marked part of the ongoing ‘No Cable Car’ campaign, which aims to halt the controversial project. Several political party workers and activists joined the protest, calling on the government to reconsider the project and prioritize indigenous rights and cultural preservation.
Protesters vowed to continue their movement, stating that they would not back down until the government addresses their concerns and halts the cable car construction.
रातो चन्द्रसुर्य डेस्क
प्रकाशित: ५ चैत्र २०८१, बुधबार २१:००
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इजरायली हवाई आक्रमण कम्तीमा २५ प्यालेस्टाइनीको मृत्यु, दर्जनौं घाइते

माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षामा कोशी प्रदेशका ८१ हजार ३६० विद्यार्थी सहभागी हुने

The protest, organized by the Mukkumlung Tangsep Chumbho and Mukkumlunge surrounded Singha Durbar

मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा परी एक घाइते र एक जनाको मृत्यु

टोखाबाट समातिएको २५ करोड माओवादीको रहेको दुर्गा प्रसाईको दाबी