MYAGDI, A mild earthquake struck Myagdi district early Saturday morning, causing panic among residents but leaving no reported damage.
According to the Seismological Measurement Centre, the earthquake, with its epicenter in Mudi, Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality-4, occurred at 3:14 am and measured 4.0 on the Richter scale.
Tremors were felt in various parts of western Myagdi, including Mudi, Muna, Takam, Marang, Malkabang, Darbang, and Devisthan.
Many residents rushed out of their homes after experiencing the tremors, said Yama Bahadur Gharti, the ward chair of Mudi, Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality-4. However, no casualties or structural damages have been reported so far.
रातो चन्द्रसुर्य डेस्क
प्रकाशित: २४ फाल्गुन २०८१, शनिबार १६:३८
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